Saturday, April 09, 2005

I must be crazy!

I have company coming Friday so I got into my head that it would be so nice to have my guest bathroom painted. I've had the paint for awhile and it just seemed like a good motivation to get at it.

So yesterday after I measured and plotted and planned my orchard all afternoon, I got busy all evening with the prep work so I could start painting this morning.

I'm going to do the walls and ceiling a caramel color and thought I'd start with the ceiling. It's a good thing I did because our stipple ceiling came off in huge patches. So guess what I had to do - strip the stipple off the ceiling. I just finished and thought I'd take a break and tell you all just how crazy I am! I'm really going to have to motor now to have that bathroom done by Friday - Yikes! Ladger's coming for lunch any minute now...hmmm. I wonder what he's going to think :-)

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