Saturday, April 16, 2005

Parties and ......

Last night was our splurge party and Rory was excited about it all day. He got a balloon earlier from town and brought it to me and 'donated' it to the party - cute! Ladger tried to tell him the party was just a bunch of ladies - not interesting for him but Rory didn't believe him. But he was at Grandma's until 9:30 pm and so he just got in on the tail end of the evening.

We had a great time playing "Cranium" - a mix of Trivial Pursuit, Charades, Pictionary types of questions.

Now it's time to buckle down and get taxes done and then three months of entries need to be made so I can get the GST report done too. And I have to pull some music together for two weeks of leading a worship team. And I still need to decide on new accessories, lights and mirror for my 'new' bathroom. And Ladger's hoping to start seeding next week. Busy. Busy. Busy.

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