Thursday, August 11, 2005


Last night Rory said something that sounded a little funny. He said that the devil takes food away from children. He's been attending DVBS this week and I can only guess that he means that children are going without food because of the evil in this world. So he and I had a great talk last night. He was very concerned that there are children who don't get snacks like chocolate milk, ice cream or candies. When I told him that lots of kids only get a little bit of rice to eat in a day, he hoped they got some soy sauce on the rice. Then he decided that we need to share - to send some food in the mail. Well I explained why that doesn't work but I told him that we can share by giving money to those who provide food for those children and explained about our World Vision sponsor child. It was a thrill to see his concern. And this morning when we were talking about giving some of his money for the offering the DVBS is collecting for a missionary in Africa, he promptly picked out $3.35 of his total $4.37 to give. I was impressed with his generosity and tripled each of his coins.

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