Tuesday, August 16, 2005

He can sing....

Rory can sing a tune!! I wasn't sure until he got two CD's this summer from 5 Day Club and DVBS. He's been learning the songs by heart and actually singing. And my heart is blessed as I would love to see my boys be involved with creating music in some way. So every night we put in one of the CD's and he and I sing for about half an hour as the boys settle down to sleep. Poor Paxton. I don't know how relaxing it is for him to be serenaded by his brother every night. *grin*

And now that's he's actually learning the lyrics, he's asking questions about some of them. He always points out the lyric "Satan is a liar.." It's really reinforcing what I told him a few months ago that Satan is the father of all lies.

It's making me wonder what lies I'm believing these days. I've been struggling with feeling way too unspiritual and unworthy to lead worship - for God to actually choose to work through me seems impossible. And so once more I need to come to Him as an empty cup and instead of believing the lies, I must hold to the truth of who God is - that He is more than enough to fill my cup to overflowing.

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