Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Get 'er Done!

One of the wedding party was a maritimer and throughout the reception he would say this at different times throughout the program at opportune times...to the amusement of all. I heard one person refer to it as the theme for my cousin's wedding. I know of no one else who throws feminine pronouns in at every opportunity like maritimers do. Another example is "How's she goin'". And I also heard the plural you - "yous" a few times as in "Yous are all welcome to join me". Oh yes, maritimers are a unique group of people ... and proud of it!

It was really great to be surrounded with Dad's family for a few days. I miss him and I know they all do too. Several told me how much I look like him which pleased me very much. It was hard to say good-bye to everyone as who knows how long it'll be before I see them again. It was the first time many of them met my husband and he enjoyed talking about farming and politics with Dad's brothers.

Another highlight was meeting some of the newest additions to the family like my new little cousin (adopted from China)...my grandmother's namesake. And my cousin's two girls - the youngest is 3 months. And getting to wish another cousin a Happy Birthday on her 14th birthday.

It was also great to get home and see my own two little scalliwags. It seems they did great and the worst trouble was when Rory got his hand stuck in a gopher trap - ouch! Well, I'd better go and get unpacked. Go ahead and say it with me - "Get 'er Done!

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