Saturday, June 19, 2004

You're a lollipop!! You're known for your coolness,
for you are a trend setter. You're a natural
leader, and are good under pressure. People
often seek you out for advice, for you have
great insight.

Which kind of candy are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I had my two voice students this morning. Rory really likes one of the moms in particular. After the lesson, he comes into the kitchen without his shirt. "He was showing off his muscles" said the Mom. I thought that was funny until later he said that 'she was cute'. Then he put my mind to rest when he said that a steering wheel is also 'cute'. I couldn't start the lawn mower yesterday when I wanted to mow so I was going to go at it today as soon as the boys were asleep. But before I could do that Ladger's mom mowed in the morning and a belt broke so there went my plans for the day. So I baked buns instead. They turned out well I think - I'm always adding healthier stuff all the time. This time I added whole wheat flour, dark rye flour and flax seed to my regular bun recipe. We'll test them out for supper.

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