Thursday, August 19, 2004

We've got mice in our house - an army of them by the amount of 'poops' they leave behind. And nothing has been working so far. The trap is empty every morning and the gadget that emits a high sound that they aren't supposed to like must be more like listening to their favorite tunes. So yesterday I put out some poison and this morning it was gone!! And then Ladger says "I hope that we won't be able to smell them". And now I'm worried that our house will have a stench soon. Oh that would be terrible! Mouse I've just about finished a new song and I'm considering sending it to Unisong - a contest for new songwriters. If I can find a way, I'll put a link here so you can check it out and give me some input Rory is having fun with recording his own singing and Paxton likes listening to my song with headphones - It's really cute because he tries to sing along. Band Maybe this'll be our family in a few years. LOL