Tuesday, May 24, 2005

AAccckk! I've been tagged...

This one's from Geannie - about movies!

1. The total number of movies I own on DVD/video: Two DVD's...no make that three as I received Alice in Wonderland from a cereal box. And the only movies I have on video have been taped from the television.
I can think of only three.

2. Last movie I bought: I bought Shrek II last Christmas.

3. Last movie I watched: Episode III of Star Wars

4. Five movies that mean a lot to me:

1. Lord of the Rings - loved the books, loved the movies
2. Can that one count for three?
3. The Matrix - loved figuring out the twisted logic and backwards thinking
4. The Seventh Seal - I think that's the name - first movie I ever went to the theater to see - didn't love the movie though
5. I enjoy lots of movies but few mean anything to me - I did enjoy the Bourne Identity. At least I can remember it :-)

5. Tag 3 people: I'm gonna cop out and just say that anyone who'd like to participate, please feel free and let me know 'cause I'd love to read your answers.