Saturday, May 07, 2005

Potatoes, flies and hugs...

Last night I planted my potatoes!! I should say Rory (4) and I planted them because he was a big help. I dug the holes. He poured in some fertilizer and worked it into the earth. Then he put a potato in each hole and then I covered them up. We left the watering to do this morning. I want to plant my onions and peas and then that'll be it until the weather warms up a bit more. I had more potatoes than I needed and was going to toss the extras in the compost but Rory refused. He decided he was going to put the extras in his own garden. So I dug him a few holes and he threw in the rest of the potatoes and then I showed him how to hoe the earth back over them and stomp around to pack the dirt. He enjoyed himself thoroughly.

I love spring but as with everything there is a downside. I hate the flies that come with the season. We have cattle north and south of our place and so we're in for lots of flies. And when it's rainy (like it is these days) those guys just want to live in my house. I think they're getting in through my office window because there were quite a few in here this morning. So I dug out my fly-zapper (looks like a tennis racket) and had myself a little game this morning. Now it's time to get out the vacuum and get rid of the losing team.

I watched a couple of minutes of Dr Phil about Mother's Day. I don't expect much for Mother's Day because my kids are so young (they have no idea what that day's about) and it's about the last thing on Ladger's mind at this time of year. So I figured there's no point in watching a show that might make me feel sorry for myself. All I need to do is spend some time with my boys and give them both a big hug and the affection they return to me is really what it's all about anyway!

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