Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Star Wars made me think...

I had a date on Saturday! It's been awhile since Ladger and I went out for dinner and a movie and it was nice. We went to see Episode III of Star Wars. The movie was visually tiring for us old folks - I really enjoyed the drive home - so peaceful...the airspace wasn't filled with flying objects!!! I did enjoy the movie for how it set up the original Star Wars trilogy. But it seems I can watch nothing without analyzing the messages in it.

The line that stuck out the most was that that which is absolute is evil. And democracy is good. First of all, democracy is only as good as the goodness of the majority of people. In Canada, it appears that the majority are willing to overlook a very corrupt government...a government that will do anything to keep its grip on power. And as a result democracy has lost its luster. I do prefer a democracy over a monarchy because our history points out very few who were able to rule well with that kind of power. The odds are in favor of ruthlessness, iron fist and lack of accountability to anyone.

But the one government system that is ideal is theocracy. The Bible talks about a period of time when our Creator reigns on this earth and it will be a time like no other. And then I will be only too glad to see democracy go.

We live with absolute things all the time. We are either alive or dead. We are either here or there. There is no in relative position. But if I say we are either right or wrong, many would have a problem with that as they would see the lines blurred and all of morality is in a gray haze. Things that are absolute are not evil in and of themselves just as tolerance is not a virtue (it's what we're tolerant of that can make it a good thing).

If God is an absolute and if He is the God of the Bible than He is absolutely good without so much as a speck of evil within Him. That's an absolute I trust my life with. And His Kingdom one day will blow our poor struggling democracy out of the water. Woohoo!!!

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