Saturday, May 21, 2005

A Day of Firsts....

The first time I charged up a dead battery on my own. The lawn mower was dead from sitting all winter.

The first time I mowed the lawn this year.

The first sunburn of the season.

The day was just a little crazy. Ladger was seeding so I'm his voice, legs, feet, hands when he's not available for certain things. Yesterday we were expecting a semi-truck to pick up some peas we had sold. He was new to the yard so Ladger asked me to direct him to where they had set the auger up under a bin. So I worked outside to be sure I would know when the truck was coming. So when I heard it, I had to make a run for it carrying Paxton with Rory trailing behind. And it's a fair distance to get there and to make it before the truck does.

Then I had to set up the charger on the lawnmower. I finally got it moved over to our yard before lunch and then I had to hurry and get that ready and out to Ladger in the field. Once Paxton was settled for his nap, I intended to get mowing.

But...the wings were up and I COULD NOT figure out how to lower them. So I radioed Ladger and he was trying to explain it to me and it took awhile for me to see how it was hooked up. And then it literally took every bit of brute force I could muster (and plenty of tears) to undo them. I literally had to dig my shoulder into the wings to push them up so I could move a latch - and it took several tries on each side. It's been awhile since I've had to work so hard at something! Yesterday the lawn got mowed out of sheer determination and nothing else. Today I'm stiff and sore (and burnt) but satisfied because it rained last night and is expected to rain again today.

I have to laugh at myself though. I tend to cry when I'm extremely frustrated. I can just imagine guys' reaction to that. What good are tears going to do? But it's an outlet and I don't mind admitting that I'm totally female! But Rory is turning into a typical guy. He got on the radio while I was crying and told Ladger that he'd better come home right now because Mom needs him. Bless his little heart!

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