Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Conflict and Complaints....

Thanks to all who have prayed and been so kind and understanding in your comments - what a beautiful thing and I appreciate each of you so much!

There is something beautiful about conflict that gets resolved. We all have conflicts with people in our lives - human nature. But when we humble ourselves and seek restitution - those conflicts turn into opportunity for stronger bonds and greater understanding of others and ourselves. Yesterday, I experienced that with my MIL. She told me she loves me when I gave her a hug after talking through our differences. That's something I'll treasure for a long time!

So all is well and the sun is out in full force...in my heart. Outside is a different story. We're getting a beautiful rain. Too bad all of our crop isn't in the ground. We just started on our lentils and have about 800 acres to go - that's about a good week of seeding and we'll be done.

Farmer's have a bit of reputation for being complainers around here - maybe everywhere. The weather never co-operates with us. We complain about how dry it's been but when it rains in the middle of seeding or haying, we complain again. We complain about the government. We complain about environmentalists who've been heard in Ottawa about getting rid of the only poison that effectively gets rid of gophers. I wish they had gophers eating up their revenue and tearing up their yard and see how they'd feel about it then. We complain about low prices on the world market - no one wants to pay for their food. We complain about the high costs of farming - and they are high! But the latest complaint I've heard from a few makes me laugh.

We have a national weather channel. And farmers on the prairies are upset because the weather forecaster stands in the middle of the screen as the map behind her shows the movement of the jetstream. She(he) stands right in front of Saskatchewan!!! Most Canadians don't really care too much about the weather - doesn't affect their livelihood - probably just their weekend plans most of the time. But Saskatchewan!!! We actually 'watch' the weather channel and the jet stream is surprisingly important to the lot of us! The whole thing makes me laugh as I can just imagine the looks on the faces of the producers of this show when they get their emails or letters from disgruntled farmers in Saskatchewan.