It's such a beautiful morning and I've been in the garden picking all the onions and reflecting on my blessings! I went over to see Ladger and Rory off and as they started, the plane we hired to spray our wheat was flying closeby so Paxton and I watched for awhile - our own personal air show. The sun is shining and the crops have been coming off with excellent quality and yield. We have a risk of frost every night but so far God has protected us from it by sending clouds or wind and so far we have suffered no damage. We are spraying our wheat crop because it's just about mature but we want to help it along a bit so that the frost that is sure to come one of these nights may not wreak havoc with it before we can get it off the field. Major issues have been raised about GMO products but seriously I would rather have a GMO product that's been given extra frost tolerance than to have to spray it with chemicals to achieve the same end. There's a lot of good can be done with genetic modification that most people don't realize - reduction in chemicals used is a big one.
Sorry about the rabbit trail. Anyway, our garden is still yielding fresh, new peas and so Paxton and I had a nice little snack out there. And then I come into my kitchen and the mess is unbelievable!! Rory and Paxton found some shredded paper used as packing in a box I received yesterday in the mail. It is now everywhere. They had such fun with it but I had forgotten what a mess I have to clean up until I stepped inside. So instead of doing that I stepped over the mess and came here to write about it instead. Blogging is the procrastinator's best friend :-)
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