Thursday, September 09, 2004

Yesterday I finished reading "The Marquis' Secret" by George MacDonald (the sequel to "The Fisherman's Lady" which I finished a few days ago). I remember reading "The Fisherman's Lady" in high school and not really enjoying it as much as I did now. Once I finish reading as many of George MacDonald's works as I find then I 'll think I'll start reading C.S. Lewis again. I've read some of his works but not all of them. That should keep me busy for awhile. Reading
Ladger has only a few acres to spray this morning and then it's back to combining as long as the weather holds (chances of showers are forecast). So I think that means I'll be taking a meal out at noon. The hard thing about meals is being flexible should plans change and all of a sudden, Ladger is home for lunch or needs a pack lunch to eat on the go instead of the meal I've planned for him and his folks. It keeps life interesting to say the least. But it looks like today might be nice for a barbecue so I'll put my half-made lasagna together and pop it into my overfull freezer somehow. I don't want to 'waste' casseroles on the nice days when I can be grilling chicken or steaks instead.
Note: Sure enough I didn't know what I was doing for lunch until about 11:30 am and Ladger ended up eating at home. Talk about switching gears.
DoctorI'm debating whether I should take Paxton to the clinic one of these days. He has a rash on the back of both legs that is red and dry (and itchy). I've been putting on all kinds of moisturizing lotions but I haven't seen an improvement yet. It might help to get a proper diagnosis and treatment.

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