Sunday, September 23, 2007

The end of blogging for me...

I've been pretty awful about keeping up with blogging as you well know by now. I've decided it's time to let it go. One of the big reasons is that I'm moving into a very busy year. I'm homeschooling my two boys and loving it. But I'm also going to be starting my own classes on Oct 1. I'm taking a certificate program in Arranging Music from Berklee College which means I'll be working pretty intensely on that for the next year or so. And I'm still giving music lessons one full day a week plus involved in leading a worship team. Plus, one of our pastors is launching a new CD and has asked me to be part of his band in his concert coming up this fall.

I'm excited about all of this - I love what I do and I can't wait to learn more music! As you can see, I've got all kinds of opportunity to put it to good practical use and so it's exciting. Currently, I'm busy getting ready: I ordered a new music notation software and new music books for teaching lessons; I'm learning the ins and outs of my new keyboard and amp, I bought a new recording microphone and stand and I spent quite a few hours notating a part for a violin for the CD concert. Tonight, I'm sorting out what I'll be doing with the keyboard to get ready for tomorrow night's practice.

Blessings to all of you who continue to check in with me now and then. You have been a source of friendship and encouragement over the time I've been blogging. Blogging's been fun and who knows.... maybe I'll meet you here again some day.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

We had a homeschool "Not back to school" outing in the last week of August. It was a full day by the time we toured the T-Rex Center at Eastend, the museum and then the reptile museum there. That was all good but the highlight was the hot dog roast and visiting at the Pine Cree Park. This picture is taken at the T-Rex Center - we're learning about fossils and are just about to do some digging of our own through dirt for little bones, teeth or whatever we can find!
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Flying by...

L's dad phoned early one morning and said there's a balloon flying by in the west. I had no idea what he was talking about but we all went to look and here's what we saw flying by our yard...not a familiar sight in the country I can assure you!
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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

And then there were two...

We had two guinea pigs and last summer one mysteriously disappeared. We were left with Daisy - the black male on the left. Friends of ours phoned wondering if we'd like to have Daisy 'father' some little ones and so they brought over Candy and left her with us so the boys could have fun with having guinea pig babies born here. So we should be having some babies in September should all go well. We'll give Candy back and keep one of the little ones. The boys and I can't wait!
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Monday, August 20, 2007

Knitting up a storm...

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Since my last post, I:

- read the 5th and 6th book in the Harry Potter series to fully enjoy the 7th - which I did
- enjoyed visiting friends home from Australia and knit like crazy to finish a baby afghan before they left (only I didn't quite finish and besides they had plenty to pack - I'll send it soon)
- took the boys to DVBS in the mornings and 5 Day Club in the afternoon last week
- put together the worship team for last Sunday
- ordered a keyboard and expect it in a day or two - a pretty big deal for me - I've been anticipating this for a good couple of years
- got behind with housework and yardwork
- started the new school year today

So it may seem like I've dropped off the face of the earth but truly I haven't!!! I've just been enjoying my days. And I particularly enjoyed today - getting back to a school routine!

Monday, July 30, 2007

Our Messy Corner

We have an office but here is where L prefers to work... at the kitchen table. And it's almost always wonder P4 is grimacing!

Actually, it's been me doing most of the grimacing and so getting close to our 11th anniversary, I finally realized something. This will probably always be where L will do his office work and we need a solution. I don't know why I've continued holding out the hope that he'd use the office instead. I guess it takes me awhile......

So IKEA has come to the rescue! I love it. The cabinet is L's. The cleaned up corner is mine to enjoy.

We've had eleven good years and looking forward to the years to come.
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Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lemonade Stand

R6 got a brainwave a few days ago. He was going to make a lemonade stand with or without us! So L helped him with the stand for his wagon and he picked out the paint and set to work in one of my old t-shirts.
He's very funny - trying to sell lemonade in the country is a bit of an endeavor - not exactly a lot of traffic out our way. I have a feeling that Grandma, Grandpa, L and I will be tired of lemonade by the end of summer (and paying for it LOL). We did take it to the park with us the other day and he was pretty pleased about making some sales there. I admit - I'm impressed with his iniative and determination.
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Monday, July 09, 2007

A Great Weekend...

We went to Westbank Bible Camp for Family Camp this past weekend and it was great with horseback riding, swimming, zipline, wall-climbing, archery and a hay ride at sunset. The meals were excellent - I must have put on at least a couple of extra pounds! And the staff were great with the kids - it makes for such a great family weekend.

One highlight for me was reconnecting with a gal who lived on my hall in my freshmen year of college. We hadn't been in touch since then and so it was a real treat. And then she tells me she is a computer buff with her own blog.....well!

It was also fun to get to know the director's daughter who just had her first baby. She's also married to a quiet farmer type of guy and we had a good laugh at ourselves - crazy farm women!

And I've just gotta brag about archery. I took both R6 and P4 for that activity and was glad to give it a try too. It turns out I was a pretty good shot for an old gal. I knocked over the cans set up several times. I tried the climbing wall and I was more than happy to let L beat me to the top....actually I didn't make it to the top but I had fun anyway.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

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Thursday, June 14, 2007

I was busy weeding in the garden and P4 was busy with .... something. I went into the house and this was on my kitchen table. He's been collecting rocks like crazy for me. I wish he could tell the difference between pretty ones and the blah kind...bless his heart.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Monday, June 11, 2007

It's all adding up...

My desk is cleaned off and I'm lovin' it. This year, L's mom has agreed to look after the boys one afternoon a month so I can do the farm books. So I had a very quiet, peaceful afternoon doing one of my favorite things. If I ever decide to stop teaching music lessons, I'd look for a job in bookkeeping - I love data entry and crunching numbers! I know some gals get a little happy when they're shopping and find a great sale. I get that happy when my books are I've really accomplished something great!

What gives you that little happy feeling?

Friday, June 08, 2007

Track & Field

R6's school makes a big deal of the day - I don't remember parents ever being invited to my track & field days let alone with a barb-b-q lunch and lots of visiting.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Gopher Woes...

These furry little creatures are becoming a real problem! Oh, they've always been around. Once in my early married days, I was determined to get one on my yard that always seemed to outsmart me. And one Sunday I was eating dinner after church...and there he was enjoying his freedom and my yard. I was in my Sunday best but I just hurried into my rubber boots and got my gun and .... I got him!
Of course, it may have been a brother or one of the others in his clan because who knows how many are really living on your yard when you think you see the same guy all the time.
But one day, I was driving lunch out to Ladger and as I drove, I would have to describe it as gophers swarming all over the place. It's downright disturbing.
Our federal government decided a few years ago to ban the use of the one poison that most farmers used to keep this varmint under some control. But it never ceases to amaze me that they don't seem to realize that they should have another alternative in place when they decide to do something like that. The result has been that this problem is becoming huge and ridiculously out of control. And farmers have had nothing effective to deal with it. Ladger's dad has spent so many hours every spring and summer shooting thousands of them (averaging 100/day) and it barely is making a dent and this year they are worse than ever.
But now there is an effective poison... environmentally safer. But farmers have to take an all-day course to be able to purchase it. Not a problem except that it was offered when Ladger was so busy getting ready for seeding. He was lucky to find one course that's being offered now - most told him he'd have to wait until fall....huh? Fall is a lot too late to do any good this year.
How bad does it have to get before government decides that this is a problem that needs to be addressed and that there needs to be a way to facilitate farmers in their endeavor to address this problem on their farms? I still wish I could trap a whole bunch of live ones and set them free on Parliament Hill. I think that might get some attention. Don't you?

A Quick Sick

Kids can say the funniest things. The other day R6 came back after visiting Grandma and Grandpa and said they'd been feeling wierd that day. "Oh, but it was just a quick sick", he says.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Westbank 2007

The homeschoolers in our area (southwest Saskatchewan) got together for a field day at a local Bible camp. We had a lot of fun and it was perfect weather. Warm but with a nice breeze most of the day (and not many mosquitoes). It was too bad that Ladger was busy spraying but the boys and I enjoyed various activities throughout the day including wall-climbing, canoeing, hiking and the zip-line. And the boys were pretty tired on the way home so we grabbed a bite to eat on the way home and I picked up a movie for us to enjoy before bed. We got "Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties" which the boys enjoyed lots.

I've put up some more pictures on facebook. Go ahead and check them out.

Saturday, June 02, 2007

What a beautiful day...

The sun is shining and better than that... we finished seeding yesterday!! Today he's doing some other fieldwork but the biggest pressure is off now that the seed is all in the ground and the conditions are beautiful - moist soil and humid days. It's a good start to the crop year.

And all my bedding plants are also in the ground. I waited longer than I usually do because we had so many frosty evenings. I hope that is done for the season.

The only thing is, both of my rototillers are not working. Ladger looked at both of them last night but I don't think either of them are fixed for today.

So this morning I need to get off this computer and get outside! If I have to do my weeding by hand, I'd better get to it.

Friday, June 01, 2007


Last night I took the boys to the circus. The boys enjoyed it but it was the later showing and it got a little late. Result: the boys are sleeping in and I have a little computer time this morning.

I don't recall going to the circus when I was younger - I wonder if I would have loved it or .... not. My boys just don't seem to get into it and my ripe old age - it doesn't hold a lot of interest for me. I probably have a greater appreciation for how difficult some of the stunts are - after all the boys believe they are super heros half the time. Really! How hard can it be to balance on cylinder tubes stacked on top of each other? Or hang upside down on rings?!! They did laugh at the clown acts and that was perhaps the highlight of the evening for us.

Perhaps it's a statement of how much it takes to really enthuse this generation of TV-infused kids.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Back at it....

I took a little break from blogging because I just didn't have the time during all that was going on in May to even think about it. I'm still evaluating whether I will continue but for now, I'll probably give it another go. I'm also on another internet craze - facebook. I've already reconnected with some people that I've haven't been in touch with for years. It's really neat that way. It certainly makes the world seem a little smaller.

Seeding update: Today is the last day of May and we are not done. That's not so good. We've had a lot of delay due to rain and there's an upside to that. No farmer wants to complain too much about getting some nice moisture. L headed out today and should all go well, we should be able to finish in 2-3 days.

Worship team update: We are getting a major upgrade for our sound system at church and our team will be the first to try it out!! Woohoo!

Kids update: R6 is having a track and field day Tuesday (been cancelled twice due to weather). I think he likes it because lately all he wants to do is 'race' P3. The track and field day is different than what I remember as a kid. It sounds more like a community event with everyone (parents) encouraged to come. P3's birthday is next week and I finished shopping for him this morning. He's turning four already. My baby is not such a baby anymore.

So that's it for now - the yard is calling. I bought three new shrubs and I'm anxious to get them into the ground before it decides to rain once again.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Appearance of Freedom

I just read this quote from Beth Moore's book Breaking Free: "Please allow God to engrave this truth on your heart: liberty and authority always go hand in hand."

This flies in the face of what we want to be true: that freedom has no strings attached. We hear terms like "pro-choice" when discussing abortion issues. Now we're hearing "freedom of marketing choice" when discussing removing the viability of the Canadian Wheat Board. I can think of no situation where our 'freedom to choose' does not have consequences and directly affect the choices and freedoms of others.

In abortion, the choice to 'solve a problem' completely overides any choices and freedoms that the unborn baby might have. In the Canadian Wheat Board issue, allowing grain to be marketed freely means that the CWB no longer has the same leverage in global grain trade. The majority of farmers want to have a CWB that can market on their behalf but the freedom of marketing for a minority of farmers can do nothing other than change the face of farming for all farmers.

It seems to me that our thinking is flawed in this area and that true freedom is elusive. Until I realize that Moore's statement is true. True freedom can only exist within the design and parameters of our Creator God. Anything outside of that only has the appearance of freedom.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I'm glad the view out the window is not too exciting in these early drab spring days because I can't see much past the muddy handprints. Guess what I've got to do...hopefully soon. I think I'll round up a couple of helpers - justice isn't it?
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Friday, April 13, 2007

Boys, pedicures and the blessing of God!

Yesterday, R6 called his Grandma and asked her if he could spend the night over there. She agreed and so off he went after supper. P3 was a little upset but a little popcorn and a snowcone helped him get over it (I guess I'm not above bribing my kids *grin*).

So our evening with P3 was supposed to be really special - I played a game with him and was going to read some books but he curled up on the couch beside me and promptly fell asleep - and stayed sleeping until 8am this morning.

So I got a chance to a little pedicure and polish my fingernails.

And while that was drying, I continued my efforts to memorize Isaiah 61:1-4. I've got this much so far: "The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the Lord has sent me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the broken-hearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisonors, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and the day of vengeance of our God, to comfort all who mourn, to provide for those who weep in Zion - ....

Oops, now I'm in trouble. I probably made some errors in the above but it's the best I can do so far.

One thing that jumped out at me was how the Lord's favor lasts for a year compared to God's vengeance which was but a day. I know that type of thing is elsewhere in Scripture where God's wrath is so short-lived compared to his long periods of grace and blessing. May I live in such a way that He can bless my life and the lives of my children and generations to come.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Good Friday!

I admit it. I'm not fond of pondering death. I would rather skip by Good Friday and get straight to Easter. But without Jesus' death there would not be hope for a single person on this earth. Without it, there would be no way of approaching God for forgiveness, for deliverance, for relationship. There'd be no room for optimism, no place for hope to root and grow. Faith in anything would become meaningless and grace unheard of. Many in this world may not acknowledge what Jesus has done for each of us, but they live with the blessings of it every day. May your Good Friday be a time to reflect on the only One who ever could die for us and truly bridge the gap to our Father God.

Today would be a good day to work on the classic song "Because He Lives". I know Praise Charts has an updated version but I'd like to give it a go and see if I can give it a little face lift of my own for our worship team in a couple of weeks. And then it's off to Ladger's parents for dinner.

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Do you wonder why I have "Perhaps Love" playing?

Is it because I truly love that song and want to make certain you all get to hear it? Or is it because I've been asked to sing it at a wedding and need to learn it and thought this might be a good way? If you guess the latter, you'd be correct. I ordered a John Denver collection of songs and will probably take it off my blog soon.

BTW, I do like the song - but maybe not so much that I want it playing every time I turn on the computer.

So what am I busy with these days. Yep, I'm busy because I barely ever spend time on the computer any more - which is probably a good thing for the most part.

Today Rory is off to Kindergarten and I've had a good morning with Paxton - reading, fun little mazes for pencil control and some paper crafts.

This year has been a good one for homeschooling - Rory's doing addition up to 10+10 and has now started substraction. He's reading quite well already - I found the perfect Bible for him - he can read it easily and is enjoying it. He loves history - we've been doing a combination of Mystery of History and Story of the World. The other day we made volcanos in the dirt outside because we were studying the story of ancient Myceneans and how historians believe a volcano wiped out their civilization. It was really fun to see the reaction of the boys watching vinegar hitting baking soda.

It's amazing how well he's done considering he's in Kindergarten every other day. We are looking forward to homeschooling full time next year - it will be so much easier to keep a consistency and flow.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I love spring....I'm just not ready for it....

This past week has been a little tougher than I'd have liked. The suddeness of spring always seems to get me - like a deer caught in the headlights. Within one day the sleepy routine of winter is over and all of a sudden Ladger's time is completely absorbed in preparing for seeding. He's been cleaning seed and most evenings he doesn't come in until bedtime and I'm on my own. Add to that the music festival, teaching music, preparing for leading worship and I was busy. But I'm starting to adjust to the new demands of spring and just as I do, the week is forecasting rain and I look at the window and it's actually snowing. That will put a halt to things for Ladger for a few days.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

I'm not wishing for this miracle.....

The boys went out to the car before I did as we headed to AWANA this evening. I got in and knew something was up but.... I didn't see anything amiss so I started out. Isn't it funny how two boys can look so mischievous and adorable at the same time? Or so I was thinking until I spotted it....the dead mouse in the car. EEeeeekkk! Rory said he was praying for that mouse; that it would come to life again, "Miracles happen you know!"

Monday, March 19, 2007

AWANA boat races

This is Rory's boat that he entered in the boat race at AWANA. He was so excited when his boat came in first in the race. His prize was a big easter chocolate and as you can imagine, it's gone.
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Monday, March 12, 2007

Spring is coming!!

This past week has been super busy. It was the first week back to school (normal routine) after the spring break plus it was our missions conference. We went with the boys Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday evening plus Ladger and I went Saturday morning.

We enjoyed it very much. First of all, it works to bring the kids because they've got child care for every session. And that's such a huge blessing to us. And then the speakers were excellent. I love the emphasis on missions the Christian & Missionary Alliance have and it's been particularly important in Swift Current as our senior Pastor has been a missionary and is now planning to head back to the mission field. In fact yesterday was his last official day as Senior Pastor here and we will miss him a lot.

So today, it's back to normal except that music festival is starting this week (two weeks earlier than last year) and I've got two students singing on Wednesday. Once that's done, we'll be starting to get a lot busier with preparations for seeding.

In the next day or two, Ladger will start cleaning the grain he's planning to use for seed. And then it'll be a big job to get the seeder ready. We always have to wait until the snow melts away enough and this past week we went from being solidly in lots of snow to having most of it melted away. It's amazing the difference a few days can make. I actually can believe spring is on its way now. And with spring comes the busiest time of our year. (I think it's even busier than harvest in many ways)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

A cousin of Ladger's came by one Sunday with a plate of baked goodies for Christmas. And I started to invite them in even though I was in my pajama pants and the house was a disaster zone but then we couldn't because Rory had started to break out with chicken pox and they hadn't had them in their family. I had been working so hard on getting Christmas music ready for that morning's service that everything else seemed to be coming apart at the seams. And I was so exhausted that I just lounged around in my pajama pants for the day deciding to rest and tackle the house first thing Monday. Isn't life funny? I never lounge around the house in pajamas but on the one day I do.... I must have looked a sketch because I still had on the top I had worn with a skirt that morning. It cracks me up to think of it.

So finally I've invited them over properly and I'm looking forward to a great time getting to know them better this evening. And this time my house won't be falling down around my ears, I won't be wearing pajama pants and no chicken pox.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Boys, blood and hammers....

It's time for the boys to hit the sack but it's the spring break this week and I've been wanting to get caught up with reading some of my favorite blogs. And to update my own.

Ladger, Rory and I played "Settlers of Catan" this evening and Rory won for the first time....with lots of help from me, admittedly. By the way, he did realize that boredom is not so much fun the other day. Neither is getting your tongue stuck on metal in cold weather. I don't know why he licked a hammer outside today...but he did and panicked and pulled it off. Ladger saw him first with blood on his face, holding the hammer and thinking something terrible happened. I'm just glad he saw it and not me. I just got to baby him a little after he'd already been cleaned up a bit.

But now it really is time to get those boys off to bed.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Work, work, work!

We've had some plagues visit our house. That is, we have a little hard-hearted rebellious pharaoh and just as there were ten plagues in Egypt, we have ten plagues here too. We've already packed up every single toy and removed them from our house. The DVD's are next to go. And today, that little guy is singing away in his exile in our room. I wonder if there is a change of heart coming.... He's singing "Nothing but the Blood of Jesus".

This morning in his usual complaining with everything we ask of him, we talked about how God created Adam and Eve and then gave them a job and that was before they rebelled. Work is not a punishment and it's not given to make our lives miserable. It's the lies that we believe from our enemy that makes it seem that way. Work is wholesome and necessary to our well-being. I told Rory that there is much worse things than work. So today he's been spending some time in 'exile' with absolutely nothing to do. I hope he gets it - there are much worse things than a little work.

Monday, February 19, 2007

The other day we heard something like this on the radio describing our roads in Saskatchewan: icy with freezing rain, pavement frost in places, hard-packed snow with drifts and blowing snow. Is it really possible that all these conditions can be true at once? Yes, it was all true. The weather has turned milder but the road conditions have been nasty.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Wow! Has it been that long?!!

I can hardly believe how fast these days are flying by. I sent Rory off with cupcakes and valenties for his classmates. I'll have to take his skates and helmet for skating lessons myself as the poor guy was loaded down this morning. But I'm sure he'll really enjoy the valentine party today.

I was just realizing today that even though with wind chill, it feels like -32 degrees celsius, spring is not too far around the corner. Now that takes a measure of faith. It's time I started some of my flower seedlings.

I have spent many spare minutes over the last week practicing an arrangement of the classic "The Lord's Prayer". It was challenging to practice it as well as the extra challenge that my keyboard doesn't have nearly enough keys to play the song as written. And it has such a different feel from the grand piano I'd be actually playing on. It was a duet with a violinist and we practiced Saturday together for the first time and I couldn't get my part of it nailed down the way I'd wanted. So I went home and practiced for another hour that evening (after the boys were in bed). And then the adrenalin kicked in and we pulled it off - better than we had played it to that point. I was thrilled - I'm sure I was grinning from ear to ear.

Friday, January 26, 2007

All work and no play...due to some yucky weather...

Today was a day off school and so it was a good day to finally get the year end books finished. The best part was that Ladger agreed to do Rory’s school with him so I’d be able to work in the office without interruption. So I had a great morning. And I was amazed at how quickly Rory got his work done for Dad. I need to pay attention to how he worked that little bit of magic.

Well, I’ve been wanting something for a long time but since I have one that ‘works’ I’ve been putting off this purchase for a long time. But finally I decided it was time for a new…vacuum cleaner. We got a SEBO upright that I just love!!! Of course the novelty means I’ve probably vacuumed every day since I got it.

Rory’s been taking some skating lessons. His second one was today and while we were at the rink, it started snowing and blowing and I just knew I wasn’t going to be heading out to town that evening to a girlfriend’s birthday dinner. I think that’s one thing I find difficult about living in a rural area in the Canadian winter. The weather seems to have a habit of creating havoc with the 'fun outings'.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Rory's teacher told me...

Rory's Kindergarten teacher was reading a story about a zebra who was doing some braying. A little boy spoke up and said, "I think that story isn't true because zebras can't pray!" And Rory pipes up, "Don't you know that nothing is impossible with God".

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

In response to comments...

I'm still having problems commenting on my own blog *sigh* Anyhow, Elise asked what science kits I'm using. I'm really not that particular and just have been trying out some different ones. The after-Christmas sales were a great place to stock up on a few. I love it because science was a real hit-and-miss endeavor. I have some good materials - just seldom got around to them. I didn't like how it was going and since this age is mostly an introduction to things, it really doesn't matter to me that we hop around from topic to topic with no rhyme or reason. But these kits are a big hit. We've done one dinosaur dig and we just watched a dinosaur documentary on TV and now it's Paxton's turn to 'unearth' a T-Rex tonight. (I usually just get what I can find for the best price). And I used some mini-labs science materials called Slinky Science for the electromagnetic stuff and building an electric motor. Now I just got a new one called SmartLab: Secret Formula Lab. It looks like a little chemistry set with test tubes and Rory wants to start it tonight but I'm holding out for tomorrow.

I haven't been buying toys for the boys when I shop - I used to do a little 'impulse' buying but now I'd much rather spend that on these kits. That feeling was reinforced when I went through the boys room and gathered up two large boxes of toys that the boys never play with.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Science is the best!!

We've all been learning about magnets, electricity and motors. I bought a couple of science kits for the boys in Saskatoon. And they are enjoying them so much! We made a boat with an motor yesterday and today we've been learning exactly how magnets work and how that force makes the electric motor work. I just loved the look on even Paxton's face when the motor we put together actually worked. No wonder homeschoolers get hooked on homeschooling. The awe of discovery is a very exciting thing.

We've worked through about half the booklet of experiments already and we're waiting for the rechargeable batteries to get recharged so we can go at it again. Rory must have hugged me about a hundred times to say "Thanks" for getting such a fun school project for him. And I...well I don't mind a day of science myself. Are those batteries recharged enough?

Fun and Shopping in the same sentence?!!

I actually DO like shopping. I had almost forgotten what it feels like to hit a mall with nothing but time on my hands. I usually have my boys with me and it is a 'necessity only' endeavor. Usually, it's a chore in my week and not one that I particularly enjoy all that much.

But Ladger went to a farming conference in Saskatoon Monday and I thought it would be fun to go with him. After all, every time he goes he comes back raving about this great restaurant or that nice hotel, etc. (We did really enjoy a meal at Chianti!!!) So we left the boys with Grandma and Grandpa and off we went for a little mini-holiday. And I went shopping. Of course, I went to a couple of music stores before I hit the mall and I was impressed with myself that I found my way around with only a map.

And I found some great sales! That of course makes it all inexpensive...ha! Anyhow, we got back to Swift Current missing the major blizzard that hit a huge region including Saskatoon. Today I was supposed to go to town, but due to nasty weather I stayed home.

Saturday, January 06, 2007

My prayer this morning...

I've been working at having a Mary heart in the business of a Martha week. That is, I can get so busy preparing for our worship team on top of all the regular things I have to do that I can neglect spending time with the One who is the reason we worship in the first place. I'm also working at not getting tense about all the details coming together, especially when practices don't work out or some of the team has to cancel out and that kind of thing.

So today it's time to put away the music and pull out my Bible for some serious Mary time.

May 0ur worship be about You alone. Not about the notes. Not about the musicians. Not about the harmonies. Not about the rhythm. Not about us at all. But we offer all we do and all we are and ask that we be empowered by Your Spirit to move us all into an awareness of Your presence and filled with an awe as we proclaim your glory.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Time to post...

I just have to post something. That picture of myself scares me every time I sit at the computer. It's time for it to move down the page!!!

It's almost midnight and I really ought to get to bed. It's not like I'm not tired. But I just finished December's entries for the farm's books and I guess I'm a little pumped up and ready to go. And I love the quiet and solitude of the house - I don't get a lot of that most days.

A little bit more work and it's off to the accountant's I go - heigh ho!

Paxton's chicken pox are getting better by the day. Apparently he's not infectious at this point so we took the boys to a farm sponsored bowling and pizza party. Rory beat me. It's not that I didn't try. But they made us do these wacky things like stand on one foot, bowl backwards, etc.

Actually, he's turning out to be a little competitive. A year ago, when he was in soccer, he stood on the field and may not as well have been there for as much as he got into the game. But now that competitive spirit seems to have suddenly kicked in - the good with the bad. We got a new family game this Christmas: The Settlers of Catan. It's labeled for ages 12 and over but we've been teaching Rory to play and he loves joining Ladger and I for a 'grown-up' game. But so far he's finding it frustrating when he loses. The day he wins, we will never hear the end of it!

Well that should just about do it. I may not see me the next time I get on the computer and that'll be a relief. *grin*